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Mund- Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, München Prof. Schlegel & Kollegen

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Narcosis today is so common that one can not image what in former days surgery without narcosis ment to the surgeon and painwise to the patient. Just 160 years ago thingswhere completely different. Only few possibilities were on hand to ease the patients pain, when   in 1842 the MD W. E. Clarke gave a ether narcosis to a patient while his associate, DDS Elijah Pope for the patient the first time painless removed a tooth. 1844 the patient Horace Wells received a painless tooth removal by his dentist Dr. John Riggs while his associate G. Q. Colton gave the patient nitrous oxide narcosis. 1846 the medical doctor Charles T. Jackson Morton proposed the use of pure ether for narcosis. Until the first local anestheticum was applied by injection by Einhorn (Procain ) in 1905 this was the only way to receive a dental treatment painless.

Nowadays the broad range of narcosis, reaching from sedation to intubation narcosis gives us the freedom to choose depending on the indication.

Unfortunatly these treatment options are not covered by the public insurances in all cases. Please ask us and we will inform you how in your individual case the situation is.

Dental Nurse

A dental nurse ( german: zahnmedizinischer Fachangestellter[ZFA]) is responsible to assist the practitioner while treatimg the patient and in questions of office organisation.

Some dental nurses are specialised in administration (Zahnmedizinische Verwaltungsassistentin, Zahnmedizinische Verwaltungsassistent). Their main topics are accounting, office management, law and economics, communication and rhetorics.


Specialist for maxillofacial surgery have a license as DDS and MD and were trained in their specialisation for five continous years. Additionally by further training they can achieve a additional specialisation in plastic surgery licensed by the local medical council. Their main focus is the surgical treatment of the scull.

Specialist for oral surgery have a license as DDS and where for a period of four years continously trained in the field of oral surgery. Their main field of interest is surgical.

Anesthesiologist are MD´s, who have specialised in all possibile forms of narcosis. They work parallel to thesurgicalteam and open the opportunity to do surgical treatment in narcosis or sedation.

Cooperation Partners

In order to achieve the best possible results for our patients we cooperate with interdisciplinary cooperation partners from all fields of medicine and dentistry. This ensures that especially in complex treatments to utmost consultatation and therapy can be given to our patients.

In today hectic environment and with increasing mobility and globalsation in working environment it is essential for you as a patient, not only to find the appropriate practitioner, but also that he can supply you with a net of national and international specialists who can, if necessary give you advice and continous treatment whenever necessary.