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Mund- Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, München Prof. Schlegel & Kollegen

Dear Patient,

welcome to the homepage oft he maxillofacial surgery clinic of Prof. Schlegel and associates. Here we want to give you an overview of the treatment options we offer and how you can contact us. We are looking forward to your visit and are always open for your questions.

range of treatments

Frequently asked Questions

Below you will find our answers to the most frequently asked questions in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
I fear pain during the procedure?
For intervention under local anesthesia, we can not guarantee freedom from pain. Modern local anesthetics have been developed specifically for use in the dental field and are characterized by immediate onset of action and safely achieved freedom from pain. A perhaps familiar from earlier "wait" until the full onset of action does not exist for us.
Moreover, we can show an exceptional experience and routine in the conduct of operations under local anesthesia, which allows us to master difficult situations. The only exception for a complete absence of pain is greatly inflamed the single division operation where the inflammation is first brought freedom and then operates by use of antibiotics and wound care measures. Abscesses must be treated acute or severe inflammation, is an absolute absence of pain may not be guaranteed.
Is to be expected with increased blood loss?
The loss of blood from our interference is relatively low.
A slight oozing during the first hours after the procedure is possible and usually completely insignificant.

In general, bleeding in the mouth by the immediate mixing with saliva and the taste of blood is usually felt more violent than it actually is. However, should it come to bleed more, so you bite first on a clean handkerchief or, if available, a swab and then find our practice immediately or emergency medical / dental facility on. Jehovah's Witnesses can be sure that in the outpatient setting in our field not requiring transfusion procedures are performed.
Can I come to the operating room with your own car?
To the surgery date, you should not travel by private car. For operations under local anesthesia you get in the broadest sense, an anesthetic in the head, so that impairment of driving ability can not be completely excluded. In addition, each surgical procedure is an exception situation that may minimize your ability to concentrate on and departure.

We recommend for the day of surgery, to let go of an attendant to avoid such risks. To advisory and supervisory appointments to arrive naturally with your car.
My neighbor has experienced terrible in his wisdom tooth removal, the same thing comes up to me?
Surely a wisdom tooth removal nothing pleasant. However, we can assure you that most of the horror stories about wisdom tooth extraction is inaccurate or thing of the past.

The sum of the best instrumental-technical equipment, the use of modern anesthetics and painkillers and possibly antibiotics, and not least our great routine and professionalism lead to a solid structure, which offers maximum handling comfort and safety.
When can I resume my physical strain / sports?
Physical stress and participation in sports after surgery are not recommended for a certain time. The increased metabolism leads the surgical site, including the bone wound to the increased blood circulation, swelling and discomfort immediately. So keep first physical rest and do not strain yourself needlessly. However, normal chores in the home environment are almost unrestricted. Increase your physical load slowly and put out the physical exercise as soon as you feel discomfort. From the above mentioned reasons, our recommendation for the period of incapacity (up to one week) and the sports relief (about two weeks) result.
What is important before surgery?
In advance of our surgical procedures you should follow certain principles.

For surgeries under local anesthesia:
It is not good that you are fasting for surgery. Since anyway after surgery food intake will be limited, and this form of anesthesia does not require sobriety, you may well have eaten well before the surgery.
Please bring the information sheet with signed, whenever there are possibly still existing issues they can of course be clarified before the surgery. Prior to surgery please ensure through very careful and intensive oral hygiene for a clean surgical field. Let the best of a companion to bring surgical and do not drive themselves by car.

With operations in outpatient anesthesia:
Dear patient,
In your treatment to be carried out a general anesthetic is required. For your own safety and a smooth process we ask you to consider the following, and to arrange, if necessary.

History and information sheet
Please fill out the yellow sheet of preparation (available at registration) as soon as possible and bring it with you the day of surgery. Please write down any questions you have, so that we can clarify this still common.

Preliminary investigation by the house doctor
Any patient over 40 years should have a “Narkosevoruntersuchung” and a laboratory to perform (small blood count, electrolytes, coagulation) by his family doctor. Please note that laboratory findings for anesthesia have just 4 weeks validity, and without laboratory findings I can not perform anesthesia. Men over 40 and women over 60 years old may have to perform an ECG.

Day of surgery
You should stay sober on the eve of anesthesia from 00:00 am, ie. you should not drink more, eat anything and not smoking. If you become ill shortly, I ask you to give it your doctor immediately known practice.

On the day of surgery
Sie sollten am Vorabend der Anästhesie ab 24:00 Uhr nüchtern bleiben, dh. das Sie nichts mehr trinken dürfen, nichts essen und auch nicht Rauchen. Sollten Sie kurzfristig erkranken, bitte ich Sie, dies sofort Ihrer behandelnden Arztpraxis bekannt zu geben.

On the day of surgery
To date for surgery, you must be sober. Adults should not eat 6 hours before the procedure. Up to 2 hours before the procedure is permitted and advisable to drink clear liquid (also with gas). Please do not drink milk, milk, coffee or tea with milk! If you need to take medications regularly, you can take this to the given times without risk with a small sip of water. (Except: Marcumar, aspirin, and other sugar Methformin this medication please consult your doctor.).

After surgery on the day of surgery
After the procedure, you can rest for 1-2 hours in the recovery room. Again, your vital signs are monitored. Please note that you go after the intervention must be accompanied home and not allowed to drive themselves or may actively participate in the road. According to the legislator you are unable, for 24 hours. If it is not possible for you to be picked up by another person, I insist (based on the S3 guideline) that you are passing in practice a personal taxi driver to take you home safely.
Please make sure that you are the first 24 hours after anesthesia not alone at home and that a legally competent person you cared. 

Your checklist for anesthesia:
  • surgery appointment: Date ……………………..  Time……………………..
  • date for the “Narkosevoruntersuchung” by your physician.
  • Do you have filled in the yellow arc preparing for anesthesia?
  • questions about the anesthesia?
Checklist for the day of surgery:
  • filled in the yellow arc preparing for anesthesia to take.
  • Have you organized a companion and caregiver?
    Please specify Phone Number: ……………………………………………..
  • sobriety limits on the day of surgery considered?
  • own medications taken on the day of surgery with a sip of water?
What can I eat when again?
By interfering in the mouth, the food intake is naturally initially restricted. The following features are observed:

Immediately after surgery, you can already drink fully, due to of the still existing numbness you should be careful eating to not get unnoticed inflicted bite wounds or burns consuming hot food or drink.

For the first two days after surgery liquid diet is appropriate, until the sutures are removed you should eat only soft / mushy food to avoid wound problems. After suture removal, you can slowly go back to normal food intake.
What should the oral surgeon know before the procedure to me?
Please inform us before the surgery necessarily following items Medication
  • Drugs and dose
  • Particularly important are subject to removal and possibly anticoagulant drugs (such as Aspirin and Falithrom)
  • Allergies / intolerances to certain antibiotics, especially
  • Important pre-existing conditions
  • Cardiovascular disease (including heart attack after Zust, condition after stroke)
  • Diabetes
  • Heart rhythm disorders
  • Liver or kidney damage
  • glaucoma (glaucoma)
  • thyroid disease
  • Infectious diseases
  • Hepatitis
  • AIDS
  • Tuberculosis
What measures are chargeable for me?
In the present state of the health insurance legislation of any measures tooth extraction and surgical tooth preservation are (wisdom tooth removal, root resection, cystectomy, etc.) are part of the services provided by statutory funds and thus do not charge.

One exception is the surgical treatment with implants and consists of a private function and is not typically paid by the statutory health insurance. There are a few exceptions in certain surgical and prosthetic situations where the insurance company will pay a subsidy or guaranteed. Of course, we point out whether such an exception applies to you.

The prosthetic on implants (so-called superstructure) is subsidized since 01.01.2005 under the fixed subsidies depending on the individual situation of your health insurance gap. To what extent this is the case, contact your dentist, which also takes care of your implants to dentures.

Likewise excluded from reimbursement by the Fund is the use of bone substitute materials or regeneration products. Also not medically indicated for plastic and aesthetic surgery will cost you money.

If you come for the implementation of the above measures in question, you will get a precise estimate.
For private patients the factoring can access a factor of 3.5 due to the appropriate level of difficulty for individual service items.
How long as I am unable to work?
The duration of the work or school failure is dependent on the type and difficulty of the procedure. So no sick leave is often necessary, for example, after surgical removal of small tumors.
In wisdom tooth extractions and root resection the disability duration depends critically on the difficulty of the procedure. For easier removal wisdom teeth and root resection in the anterior region about 2-4 days of incapacity are to be estimated, for more difficult wisdom teeth and root tip in the posterior region should be expected of a week incapacity.

Also, a week is the down time after the removal of all four wisdom teeth. An inability to work for more than one week is our specialty the exception dar. ways of avoiding a greater physical stress we usually recommend a sports exemption for 14 days.
During the counseling session, the difficulty of the upcoming procedure is assessed by us and informs you of the expected inability to work and set the date for surgery for a suitable weekday.
How long does local anesthesia after the surgery continue?
Through our experience and the high quality of the local anesthetic used by us, we can guarantee a safe and timeley sufficient long pain-free period after surgery. Fears that the absence of pain might subside or be of insufficient duration, are totally unfounded. As a rule, the so-called conduction anesthesia are set by us, in which certain nerves are selectively numb. In combination with an additional infiltration anesthesia directly at the surgical site a safe pain relief is achieved for at least 3-4 hours. For the subsequent time you receive highly effective pain reliever formulated in tablet form.
How should I make the oral care after the surgery?
We attach great importance to ensuring that you include the appropriate wound area early and specifically in the oral hygiene. After a tooth extraction with an open wound (without suture closure) a blood clot (clot) should be formed in the wound cavity for undisturbed wound healing first. Therefore we recommend in this case on the day of surgery only mouthwash before you can start on the first day after surgery with brushing.
With a closed wound healing (wound closure by suture), which is practiced with us, in most cases, you can include the start of the wound area in the oral hygiene and careful cleaning of the wounds. Please note that you are always here from red to white should brush (from the gum to the tooth crown) to load the detached during surgery gum in the correct direction. Against the use of a (rather mild) Toothpaste is nothing wrong. Support the oral hygiene by rinsing with lukewarm water. Chamomile extracts (Kamillan) may be added as before and rinses with chamomile or sage tea are recommended. Assembled rinsing solutions (Chlorhexamed, Corsodyl) are also useful, but not mandatory.
If you are accustomed to the use of an electric toothbrush and oral irrigator, is no objection to their use even after the surgery.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

  • Adress
    Arnulfstr. 19
    80335 Munich
  • Phone
    089 590 686 990
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  • Office Hours
    Mo, We, Th:   08:00 - 17:00 clock
    Tuesday:        08:00 - 18:00 clock
    Friday:           08:00 – 13:00 clock