Surgical Dentistry
If the illness is of a tooth by caries or periodontal disease progressed so that no longer perform conventional tooth-sustaining measures were successful, surgical methods for tooth preservation can be used in selected cases.
A frequently performed surgical option for the preservation of tooth root resection offers the so-called. Here, the mucous membrane is opened on an outpatient surgery respective tooth passing through the bone and the apex (s) of the tooth is removed, the inflammatory, bacteria-containing tissue is removed, and sealed by filling of the root cone.
Is due to an advanced inflammation of the gums at a root of the receipt of a multi-rooted tooth is compromised, can be obtained in certain cases, the diseased root surgically removed (called root amputation), and thus the more healthy part of the tooth.
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A frequently performed surgical option for the preservation of tooth root resection offers the so-called. Here, the mucous membrane is opened on an outpatient surgery respective tooth passing through the bone and the apex (s) of the tooth is removed, the inflammatory, bacteria-containing tissue is removed, and sealed by filling of the root cone.
Is due to an advanced inflammation of the gums at a root of the receipt of a multi-rooted tooth is compromised, can be obtained in certain cases, the diseased root surgically removed (called root amputation), and thus the more healthy part of the tooth.
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